Our last TALK segment was entirely dedicated tour our keynote speakers from  the Architecture Academy in Mendrisio. This very special  Swiss night was opened, through a commencement speach,  by his excellency, Massimo Baggi, ambassador of the Swiss Confederacy to Romania. Our first speaker of the evening Professor Walter Angonese, Dean of Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio was introduced by UAUIM’s Faculty of Architecture Dean, Associate Professor Horia Moldovan. Professor Angonese’s speech introduced the audience to the Academy, its staff, students, and teaching philosophy. Furthermore, profesor Angonese delved deeper into the conceptual and theoretical framework steering his design studio through concrete examples of student outputs as well through as his own body of work.

Our second and final keynote speaker, Mendrisio professor Quintus Miller was introduced by GM Cantacuzino Faculty of Architecture in Iasi, Professor Tania Hapurne. Professor Miller’s speech showcased his credo though a series of selected works spanning two decades of research through design.

The two lectures were followed by a short panel discussion and Q&A moderated by FAUT Dean Cristian Blidariu and ROA Vice-president and Mendrisio alumus, Dan Felix Paraschiv. This final moment further strengthened the positions of our two speakers in regard to architecture and its fundamentals, mixing both theory and practice.