Georgi Stanishev

Principal @ Atelier architecture et scénographie

Georgi Stanishev is an architect and scenographer. His research focuses on aesthetic languages at the crossroads of architecture, installation and decor. His work covers the fields of exhibition design, event design, set design, and experimentation in public space.

He holds a doctorate in architecture from Université Paris-Est, UACEG, Sofia, and ENSA Paris-Malaquais, where he has taught architectural design and theory since 2011. His research and publications focus on the evolution of Soviet communism through its various moments of ideological and cultural rupture. In particular, his work examines the role of discourse on the arts and architecture in the production of political propaganda.

Georgi Stanishev is co-curator, with Studio Muoto, of the French Pavilion at the 18th Venice Architecture Biennale 2023.
